1 Timothy
Chapter 2

1 I encourage, then, that above all, requests, prayers, asking for others, and thanks should be given for everyone.
2 For rulers and all in power; so we can live quietly and peacefully with true faith and honesty.
3 This is good and okay to God who saves us.
4 God wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth.
5 There is one God and one go-between for God and people, the man Christ Jesus.
6 He gave himself as a ransom for everyone, to be shown at the right time.
7 I am chosen to be a preacher and an apostle, speaking the truth in Christ without lying, and a teacher of the non-Jews in faith and truth.
8 I want men to pray everywhere, raising holy hands, without anger or doubt.
9 Women should also dress simply and with modesty, acting with decency and self-control, not with fancy hairstyles, gold, pearls, or expensive clothes.
10 But (fitting for women who claim to honor God) by doing good deeds.
11 Let the woman learn quietly and obey fully.
12 I do not allow a woman to teach or have control over a man; she must be quiet.
13 Adam was created first, then Eve.
14 Adam was not tricked, but the woman was deceived and did wrong.
15 She will be saved through having children, if they keep their faith, love, and holiness with good sense.